Have you been walking the path for a long time?
Have you done years of body work, somatic psychotherapy, energy work with emotional release or other release modalities and feel ready to go deeper?
Are you ready to discover your Essential Self and release the ego’s hold on you?
In this advanced healing retreat we will be breaking the glass ceiling that has limited your growth potential.
What students in retreats have received:
- Openings to higher perception beyond what has been previously reached
- Release of habitual mental patterns
- Gentle, safe release from trauma patterns and a relaxed nervous system
- Unwavering connection to The Love through the spiritual heart
- Fulfillment of longstanding emotional needs
- Lucid long-lasting experience of the essence of light within the soul
- Synchronistic, personal unfoldment of ones unique intentions
- Direct internal guidance from the highest source
- Meaningful friendships
Long lasting changes that have been seen:
- Clarity and depth of intimacy in relationships
- A consistent, general feeling of lighthearted joy and deep cellular contentment
- Strength of heartfelt purpose
- Experiencing The Love within everyone and everything
- Embodiment of universal connection and belonging
- Resolving of physical conditions
- Clarity of mind and emotional fulfillment
- Opening of new pathways, relationships and meaning in the world
- And much much more...
What People are Saying:
Workshop Specifics:
Location: Niwot, Colorado
Dates: July 19-23
Cost: $1450 ($1275 Early Bird pricing available until June 18.)
Accommodations: The Niwot Inn and Spa in Niwot, CO is a beautiful spot with lots of light, every room cozy with a fireplace. Breakfast with coffee and tea is served every morning. Niwot town has restaurants, coffee shops, a market and boutiques. Or Boulder is a 10 minute drive away for parks, hiking, walking trails and many great restaurants.
(Intermediate and introductory retreats also upcoming)
Anne Rice has held workshops, groups, and a private practice for 23 years in hot spots for inspired personal growth-- Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Sedona, AZ, Boulder, CO and Maui. Her foundation is in Counseling and Somatic Psychotherapy, Hypnotherapy, Pathwork and Advanced Sufi Energy Healing. Anne’s ever-evolving practice of personal and communal spiritual development is currently based in Boulder, CO where she lives with her beloved family.